How Big Is A Mini Fridge | A Size And Capacity Guide

There are a lot of things you can buy in the 21st century, but no one can quantify the amount of joy that a mini fridge can bring you. 

A mini fridge is a great addition in any home. It allows you to keep your beverages and food cool without having to use the fridge for everything. But how big is a mini fridge?

If you’ve ever wondered how big is a mini fridge, you’re not alone. There’s a lot of confusion about the dimensions of this small appliance, and it’s not the only one of its kind that causes confusion

How Big Is A Mini Fridge?

Mini fridges come in several types and sizes. However, the most common ones that I have seen in Tiktok are the mini skincare ones. These fridges can be made with stainless steel and with or without a crisper drawer. 

They are a few inches deep and a few inches tall and are not made to store more oversized items. 

How Big Is A Mini Fridge

Although I was only aware of one type of mini fridge design, when I dug into it, I was amazed by its many variations. Thankfully my job in the refrigerator shop has given me a substantial amount of knowledge about these compact refrigerators. 

So without further ado, let’s discuss how big is a mini fridge and what are the types of mini-fridges.

Types of Mini Fridges:

Large Mini Fridge

I remember large mini-fridges calling them bedroom fridges. They are a few inches wide and can keep your snacks, cold drinks, and cans of soda fresh for a long time. These refrigerators can also be used in pharmacies and skincare showrooms to keep goodness intact.

If you are looking for a fridge for your office space to keep your favorite beverages, the large mini fridge can do justice.

These fridges have adjustable glass shelves and adjustable mechanical thermostats for temperature controls, and some designs also have crisper drawers that can keep your groceries fresh for longer.  

Standard Mini Fridge

The standard mini fridge is the best and most cost-effective solution to keep your drinks cold in your movie room or add some additional space for your perishable pet foods.

When you need extra space in your refrigerator but don’t really need a full-size conventional fridge, this standard mini fridge can be a lifesaver. With removable glass shelves and USB port charging facilities, these fridges are also appropriate for college dorms. 

The standard mini fridge consumes less electricity, and they are an excellent option for small flat owners or just to keep your bottles of wine cold. These fridges can hold enough food and drink for one or two people depending on their size. 

Different Designs Of Mini Fridge

Mini Drink Fridge

A mini drink fridge which is also known as Kegerator, is a fridge used specifically to keep drinks refreshing and cold. These cubic feet fridges are perfect for keeping your beers chilled for a guys’ night out or keeping your water just enough crisp to satisfy your thirst. 

The Antarctic Star Beverage Refrigerator and Cooler is one of the most popular names in the mini-fridge market. The fridge has removable stainless steel shelves, or removable glass shelves (depending on the model) and a glass door that gives a chic look to your space.

This freestanding mini fridge/counter fridge has in-built blue LEDs that help you see even in the dark and gives an edgy look to cubic feet mini drink fridge. This fridge is portable and easily fits in your limited space in your office or bar area.  

Portable Mini Fridge

Remember I mentioned ‘skincare fridge’ in the beginning? As it turns out, the portable mini fridge is the skincare fridge I was talking about. These mini refrigerators have removable fresh-food glass shelves which look incredibly pleasing to the eyes and you won’t need any extra space for them.  

The portable mini fridge is also freestanding, and it can complement your countertop, bedroom, and even washrooms. They can come in reversible door designs. However, their portable size does not allow them to accommodate too many items like a standard fridge. 

Portable mini-fridges are excellent for carrying snacks and beverages for a day out, to keep perishable items, and their consistent temperature helps keep a wide variety of goods fresh. As they run on minimum energy, these fridges can be connected to almost any power source. 

What are the dimensions of a minifridge?

With several options, the minifridge can come in various dimensions. These mini-fridges can be as small as 0.2 cubic feet to a large mini-fridge up to 7.5 cubic feet.

Some mini refrigerators come with a mini fridge freezer compartment, in a variety of colors along with glass shelves that make their appearance a little larger than their other species. This means you can keep your meats and ice-cream fresh along with bottles of wine, gallons of milk, fruits, and snacks.

I can not tell you how many times I wanted to adore these miniature innovations while working in the store. These refrigerators are too cute to be real and also come in various colors, forms, and dimensions that fit anywhere. Some even come with ice cube trays and additional drawer for fruits. 

How tall is a mini fridge?

Depending on their type, minifridges and retro mini fridges can come in different heights. Mini Fridges can have a height of 9.6 inches to around 34 inches depending on which one you are buying and for what purpose. 

One of the smallest portable mini-fridges on Amazon is the Crownful Mini Fridge. It has a height of just 10.83 inches and also comes in different colors. 

The Crownful Mini Fridge is 4 liters and can be a fantastic gift to any skincare enthusiast. This fridge can hold approximately 6 large cans and is equipped with adjustable shelves, which means you will have more space. However, it is not suitable for keeping 2-liter bottles and does not have extra space for snacks. 

How wide is a minifridge?

A minifridge can be around 9 to 24 inches wide. There are several categories of mini-fridges, and each has a different width measurement like portable ones, mid-sized, large size, cubes, and compact fridges. 

Some miniature refrigerators have plenty of space and larger fridge compartments and crisper drawer to keep your frozen foods, tall bottles and goods in a variety of sizes. 

How deep is a minifridge?

The depth of a minifridge can be around 10 to 25 inches. It is among the most crucial factors of a mini fridge since the depth of a mini fridge determines how much you will be able to store in them. 

Fridges with freezers tend to be wider, a few inches tall with extra space than compact dorm fridge. 

However, some dorm fridges have extra inches in height and can accommodate taller items than smaller cubic foot model. 

Dimensions Of A Mini Fridge

Mini fridge interior dimensions

On average, the interior dimensions of a mini fridge are about 4.9 cubic feet. Note that the exterior measurements are larger than the interiors, and you should always deduct a few inches from the overall exterior measurement to get the exact interior dimensions. 

Did you know full-size refrigerator also have smaller inner dimensions than exterior measurements? 

Mini fridge with freezer dimensions

A mini fridge with a freezer can have an average dimension of 7.7 cubic feet. However, you can find larger fridge or smaller ones in the market as well. 

Mini fridges can have a separate freezer compartment to keep frozen items fresh in addition to standard cooling facilities. Hence, they have a larger body than a portable or compact mini fridge. 

Motel mini bar fridge dimensions

Motel mini bar fridges keep beverages and snacks for its guests. They usually fit well beneath the counters or beside the bed. These fridges are usually about 4.7 cubic feet and not made to store larger items. Nonetheless, there are many different options for motel mini bar fridges that can also be considered. 

Mini Bar Fridges

How to measure the dimensions of a minifridge?

To know how big is a mini fridge, all you need is a standard measuring tape, a piece of paper, and a pen. 

  • To get the depth of your mini fridge, measure the top part of your fridge from the door to the back.
  • You can get the height by measuring the front portion of the fridge vertically (door).
  • Get the width by placing the tape horizontally in the front of your mini fridge.
  • Multiply all three numbers and divide them by 1728 to get the cubic feet dimension.

Here is an example, 

                                       19in X 20in X 18in

                                      =6840in3 / 1728

                                      = 3.9 ft3 

However, the inside capacity will be a few inches less than the outer body. The depth of the fridge will be even less since the main motor of the fridge is stored there. 

Note:  Make sure you leave at least ½ inch empty space around the fridge to let it breathe and to avoid excess heating. 

How big can a mini fridge be in a dorm?

Since dorm rooms have less space, choosing a smaller fridge is a wise decision. I have seen customers buy large mini-fridges and return them for space issues. To avoid such hassle, you can choose a mini fridge of around 1.5 to 3.3 cubic feet to keep in the dorm

Mini fridge capacity and dimension chart

Height (in)Depth (in)Width (in)Capacity
Cooluli16.2513.7511.220 Liters
RCA31.518.5173.2 ft3
Frigidaire710104 Liters
Whynter331718.512 ounces
Midea18.1917.7218.581.6 ft3
BLACK+DECKER26.617.518.52.5 ft3
Danby33.4419.6918.883.1 ft3
HOmeLabs33.0717.3218.93.2 ft3
BANGSON33.0717.418.73.2 ft3

Things to Consider About Mini Fridges

If you are thinking of buying a mini fridge, this means you need it for a purpose. Although it has ‘mini’ in its name, these fridges are versatile and can be used in so many aspects. 

If you are looking for a small fridge to keep snacks, drinks, or skincare, buying a portable mini fridge will be appropriate for you. However, if you are looking for something bigger, there are several options as well. 

Choose Your Mini Fridge Wisely

Make sure you do your research before purchasing and always measure how big is a mini fridge and if it will satisfy your requirements. Mini fridges consume less electricity, add a stylish touch to your space, and eliminate any splurging on additional refrigerators.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you put in a minifridge?

The possibilities are endless, and you can put fruits, yogurts, ice-creams, drinks, candy, meat, skin or hair care products, and anything that you can put in a standard-sized refrigerator. 

How many cans fit in a mini fridge?

Depending on its size, your mini fridge can hold up to 125+/- cans. 

Will a corny keg fit in a minifridge?

Yes, corny kegs can fit in a mini fridge. On a standard mini fridge, you can keep up to 2 corny kegs. 

Will a Brita filter fit in a minifridge?

There are Brita filters that are specifically designed to fit in a mini fridge. However, a larger Brita filter can not fit in a mini fridge. 

Can you put a minifridge on a table?

Yes, you can put minifridge on a table. However, ensure proper balance before putting them up to avoid any accidents. 

What size mini fridge for a Kegerator?

Your mini fridge has to be at least 3.2 cubic feet to use as a kegerator. 

What size mini fridge should I get?

There are several options and sizes of mini fridges. Get a standard size that will best fit your needs. 

What size mini fridge for the college dorm room?

Depending on the size of the room, you can get a mini fridge that is about 3 cubic feet. 

What size mini fridge fits under a desk?

To place the fridge comfortably without suffocating it, you can get a mini fridge within 2 cubic feet to fit under a desk. 

What size mini fridge fits in a cabinet?

Buy a mini fridge according to the size of your cabinet. Although around 3 to 3.5 cubic feet, mini fridges fit well in a cabinet. 

Final Word

Mini fridges are one of the most purchased electronic appliances in recent times. They are practical, cute, and affordable. Measure properly to know how big is a mini fridge and if it will accommodate your space. 

We hope our expert opinion will help you choose the best compact fridge for your particular needs. Get yours today from the various fridge designs and models on the market.